Saturday, September 6, 2008

Besson's Middling Crap

To be blunt, this is mainly the films released almost solely in Besson's native France, such as Banlieue 13, the Taxi sequels (including the American remake) and Angel-A, a romantic comedy. I don't want to go into great detail on these because they don't deserve it, but I will say that Bandidas and, more importantly, Revolver are decent movies but not anything great.

The worst movie to-date is his horrific foray into animation: Arthur and the Invisibles. This is for the heinous crime of putting Madonna an David Bowie in the same movie and so close to Bowie's terrific effort in The Prestige. Along with this, it is one of the few movies that Besson chose to direct, making it all the more dissapointing.

Another major dissapointment was Transporter 2, which made the original seem just that little bit worse. Then the news that there will be a Transporter 3, that just rubbed it in but who knows, maybe the franchise can be redeemed, but from the look of the Taxi sequels I really doubt it.

I end today by saying that Unleashed was awesome and Taken shows that Besson may just be back to his best.

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